We celebrated K's birthday 2 days early as Aunty A was going to leave the day before his birthday, and she wanted to celebrate it with him. We planned a scrumptious dinner, and spent most of the afternoon of her last day with us in the kitchen preparing! What a joy it was... and according to her, it's her favourite past-time... so she didn't mind, especially with the company of the girls running around our legs...
This was on the menu:
Homemade pumpkin soup (made by yours truly)
Prime Rib Roast (which we didn't get done really well cos we didn't have a meat thermometer, so I am actually enjoying the rest of the nicely done roast the week after in my sandwiches for lunch :P)
Dessert was molten chocolate cake with ice-cream (again, made by yours truly, courtesy of Martha Stewart's recipe) this turned out really well surprisingly, the 2nd time round. The first time, my butter was just so hard, it couldn't mix properly, and I just threw the mixture away. Of course, the 2nd time was worth all that arm workout (since I didn't have a mixer), like I said, made with lots of love and calories!
Yums... I'll try and upload my pics here.
Don't have to guess his age... He's not 3.
I was surprised at how nicely molten it was inside!
Oh well, the day after his birthday, daddy K left for Japan and Korea for 2 weeks. But, the in-laws arrive on saturday! We're all so excited! I think Grandma more than all of us! For now, I've survived 3 nights on our own... just 5 more to go!
from your photos, looks like you've already lost some weight! way to go on your exercise regime! :)
the molten cake does look good too...think u'll have to run more after all the feasting! hehe...
Hi, I'm in Okinawa now. Just thought i'll say hi. Been having lots of Sushi and Sashimi. Had a lobster for diner tonight. 2 more days to my parents arriving. Hang in there.
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