Monday, April 7, 2008

One week later...

Hmm... trying to recall the birthday celebrations... Oh yes... we went to have dinner at BaliThai... It was our first time eating there... pretty good food... especially loved the BBQ combo.(sorry no pics... gotta start getting into that pic habit) of course daddy K finally got his new toy!!! boy is it BIG!!! So big, that I'm starting to wonder if it'll be worth whipping it out just to take 1 pic:)

On with the packing. With 3 days remaining, the packing has now kicked in to 4th gear. On top of helping to move out of the in-laws house, the house is just in mayhem, not withstanding the dust that is being stirred up! I might have to consider re-packing... We might be over-weight!!!
Gotta stop being so KS! 

I'm so glad the nebulising event is over now. Mei K breathes through cleared passageways now. Mummy and baby are happier now... Sleep deprivation is starting to take it's toll... Fatigue is setting in...


胡老怪 said...

Denise,very happy to read your blog. I don't update my blog very often also, but I try very hard to. Its a very good way to stay in touch when we are busy with our children. Enjoy yourselves in NZ!

D said...

PICTURES!!!!! with the BIG toy... ;p