On with the packing. With 3 days remaining, the packing has now kicked in to 4th gear. On top of helping to move out of the in-laws house, the house is just in mayhem, not withstanding the dust that is being stirred up! I might have to consider re-packing... We might be over-weight!!!
Gotta stop being so KS!
I'm so glad the nebulising event is over now. Mei K breathes through cleared passageways now. Mummy and baby are happier now... Sleep deprivation is starting to take it's toll... Fatigue is setting in...
Denise,very happy to read your blog. I don't update my blog very often also, but I try very hard to. Its a very good way to stay in touch when we are busy with our children. Enjoy yourselves in NZ!
PICTURES!!!!! with the BIG toy... ;p
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