Just earlier after we returned from our sunday grocery and mini 'sightseeing' trip to Eastbourne, she was jumping on the bed singing, (in words I tried to decipher) "I am the way, the truth and the life. No one see the power but with me." Something to that effect... After putting the pieces together, I realised what it was. "I am the way the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father but through me." John 14:6. Of course, I had to correct her, and sing with her the right words to her tune. I then struck me how easy it was for an almost 3 year old to pick up and memorise these verses through play and songs! If only my mind was half as nimble...
Seems like she's learning more from church than kindy... Well, as much as I wonder how much of Singapore they miss or who they remember, che K has on more than 1 occasion suggest that we return to her sunday school in Singapore. She said she preferred it there. When I asked if she was referring to the one where aunty C usually is singing and dancing, she said yes...(imagines mad mom grinning from ear to ear...) Of course, in comparison, SACC's children min is much more organised than the one at UHBC, and it's different in many ways. Firstly, UHBC's congregation is like 100, and there are like less than 10 children in K's class for kids 3-5 yrs. The children stay with the adults in service for the first 10 mins of songs and announcements, then go across the road to the hall. There, they sing maybe 1-2 songs informally, have a story read, and then have art and craft. So in all, I think it's just not as full on, and 'fun' for her. One other thing that I noticed though is that they have a creche for kids under 3. There's a big play area for toys, even a big doll house! I tried to put mei K there once, but alas... 5 mins later, she was bawling her eyes out. I'm still a bit hesitant to even try again.
Oh well, next saturday is che K's 3rd birthday... ambitious mummy has decided to bake a cake... since it's quite the norm here, as compared to buying one! Thanks to one of the ladies at our partners lunch, (ie partners of people on the staff course) I found a shop that rents out cake tins in various shapes. Brought che K to have a look, and to choose which cake she'd like. Needless to say, she chose Dora the Explorer... So mummy dearest is now trying to decide if I should use the Martha Stewart brownie recipe, which I'm not sure will take well to a mould, or an easy chocolate cake recipe. Both of which I've never tried making before... Just in case it doesn't turn out well, we might not invite anyone to her birthday party :p
Well, the plan is to bring her somewhere to catch a glimpse or to play with some snow, if we're lucky, otherwise to invite the Korean family to have a small picnic at the park. Will just see what she wants...
1 comment:
Thanks for the encouragement and affirmation indeed! Makes me want to jump and dance more for the little one's sake! And wat u share does strike a chord in me, abt teaching bible verses thro songs to children. It's one of my desires to do that but think need to go source and learn such songs...
Bravo to you for baking a bday cake for K's bday! I pray whichever u choose, it'll turn out beautifully yummy! Eh by time u come back to sgp, we'll be seeing a svelte denise who bakes and cooks a storm! ;)
BTW it's mad mom not mad man hor...though i think mad mom did marry a mad man also la! hehe...
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